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Тексти програм [4]
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#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;

vector< vector<int> > major; // data array
int x, y; // size of arraiy
int limit; // if value in diagonal is more than this remove it's row

void print () {
int ix, iy (0);
do {
ix = 0;
do {
printf ("%d ", major[iy][ix]);
} while (++ix != x);
putchar ('\n');
} while (++iy != y);

void reading () {
scanf ("%d%d%d", &limit, &x, &y);
major.resize (y);
int ix, iy (0); // help variables
do {
major[iy].resize (x);
ix = 0;
do {
scanf ("%d", &major[iy][ix]);
} while (++ix != x);
} while (++iy != y);

vector<int> moving () {
int itd (0); // iterator diagonal
int ith; // iterator horizontal
int max (0); // maiximum value in horizontal
vector<int> result; // array with maximum elements from columns
do {
if (major[itd][itd] > limit) { // search for value greater than limit
ith = 0;
max = 0;
do {
if (major[ith][itd] > max) { max = major[ith][itd]; };
} while (++ith != y);
result.push_back (max);
major.erase (major.begin() + itd);
} else {
++itd; // if we remove some row, next one received it's index
} while ( (itd < x) && (itd < y) );
return result;

int main() {
// 1 machen

freopen ("sol.in", "r", stdin); // use your input file within "sol.in"
reading ();
vector<int> first (moving());
if (first.size() < x) { first.insert (first.end(), x - first.size(), 0); }; // adding zeros in end if need
major.insert (major.begin(), first);
print ();

// 0 machen */
return 0;

Категорія: Тексти програм | Додав: programers (17.10.2009)
Переглядів: 745 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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